

Monday, January 13, 2014

path in windows phone beta version comes with a new logo

review46 - December last year, Path has slid in the Beta version of Windows Phone (WP). Current, the social network was again present in the beta version, but with the new logo.

Unfortunately, in this update there is no information about the new things in the Path Beta for Windows Phone. In addition, developers Path also released a new logo, different logos that currently exist for the iOS and Android versions.

Reported by Softpedia on Monday (01/13/2014), the only thing clear change in this update is only part of the logo, which is now blue with the words 'nv' white. Path for Windows Phone Beta version can be downloaded at the Windows Phone Store.

In addition to the Windows Phone, Path had already been present in iOS and Android. In the midst of his popularity, Path is currently seriously working on the Asian region, especially South east Asia, because it managed to attract many users.

"Our business there (South East Asia) is more powerful than people think. I always try to understand the market and finding local partners to expand our operations," said Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Dave Morin Path.


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