

Thursday, July 25, 2013

5 Tips to Accelerate Performance Android Phone

Android phone users often find the phone slows down performance. When pressing the home button or the application, mobile instead return to the previous menu. Well, it turns out there is how to overcome them. You can speed up the performance of Android phones in less than 5 minutes with the following tips:

1. Clear Cache (Cache) Applications (30 seconds)
You can delete the cache of each storage applications by visiting the Settings menu, then select option: delete cache. However, the number of applications on a mobile phone needs more time to do it manually.

Make it faster, you can download the free App Cache Cleaner. This application can delete the entire cache at once just with a double tap.

2. Uninstall Applications Not Used (60 seconds)
Applications that are not used should be to remove. Therefore, applications that do not use will only make you full of useless memory.

3. Install New Application Launcher (30 seconds)
Mobile application launcher control your desktop, menu lock screen apps, and other important parts. Speed ​​up the application launcher operating systems. There are several launcher apps in the app store. Lightening Home Launcher is a launcher of the fastest and easy to use.

4. Remove Widgets and Shortcuts are Not Required (30 seconds)
Even if you use an application launcher, your phone will still take up a lot of memory because of existing widgets and shortcuts. Remove widget is not used by pressing and sliding it off the screen.

5. Restrict or Disable Background Data (10-60 seconds)
E-mail, Gmail, Facebook, Twitter and other applications are not only draining the battery, but also takes the capacity of the system and slow down the performance of the phone. In fact, not all the applications that you need to check every time. Most probably you can check manually. For example, you did not bother to check the notification from Facebook each time. Well, you can disable it.

How to disable background data for all applications:
1. go to Settings
2. select the Use of Data
3. Open the menu by pressing the three dots at the top left corner of the screen or select the menu button (on the Samsung and LG).
4. change autosync off and select the data to be ok on notice that appears.

To turn off background data is Gmail, Google+ and other Google services:
1. go to Settings
2. select the Google account page
3. select the account name.
4. change all data synchronization be off, including e-mail, contacts, and calendar.

To turn off background data is in other applications such as Facebook and others, you have to go straight into the application settings menu. Then select the option manually updated or never updated.

To disable some of the applications you just take the time 2 minutes 40 seconds. A very short time


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